8 bar lifting air cushion
Product model:8 bar lifting air cushion
Product characteristics
Product details

Product Description

The operating pressure of the German VETTER 8-bar lifting air cushion is 8 bar, with anti-static and self extinguishing characteristics. The special design of the surface can improve the skid resistance on smooth surfaces such as grass and mud. With a insertion height of 2.5 centimeters, the lifting force is large, the inflation time is short, and the operation is fast. There is no noise, no shaking, and the heaviest load can be lifted smoothly. Even on a tilted surface, it can be quickly lifted, pushed, pulled, squeezed The operation of prying and splitting.



Technical parameter

Lifting forceT13.35.76.4
Maximum lifting heightcm7.51214.516.5
Insertion heightcm2.
Working pressurebar8888
Test pressurebar14141414
Burst pressurebar32323232
8 bar gas demandL2.715.828.439.6

Fangzu EnhancementUnitV10V12V18V20V24V24LV31V35LV40V54V68
Lifting forceT9.6
Maximum lifting heightcm20.320272830.620.1373140.247.852
Insertion heightcm2.
Working pressurebar88888888888
Test pressurebar1414141414141414141414
Burst pressurebar3232323232323232323232
8 bar gas demandL82.896.3195.3224.1296.1211.5517.5349.46751117.81457.1
Inflation times56111418133135416888