12 bar lifting air cushion
Product model:12 bar lifting air cushion
Product characteristics

The operating pressure of the 12 bar lifting air cushion is 12 bar, which remains the same size as the 8 bar air cushion but increases the lifting force by 50%. The maximum lifting force of a single air cushion is 102 tons, and the maximum insertion height is still 2.5 centimeters; The technical data printed in sulfurized yellow font is printed on the air cushion; Normal use, correct storage, with a lifespan of 15-20 years.

Product details

Product Description

The latest 12 bar lifting air cushion launched by VETTER in Germany has an operating pressure of 12 bar. The size of this air cushion remains the same as that of an 8 bar air cushion, but the lifting force has increased by 50%. The maximum lifting force of a single air cushion is 102 tons, and the maximum insertion height is still 2.5 centimeters. Its innovative technology combined with resistant materials (chloroprene rubber and aromatic polyamide) not only improves its lifting force, but also enhances its quality.

The 12 bar lifting air cushion has anti-static and self extinguishing characteristics. Its special modern structural design not only improves the skid resistance on smooth surfaces such as grass and mud, but also interlocks. Its edge chamfer design is also easier to insert during rescue, and it can be stacked with two air cushions. The air cushion contains technical parameters, making it more convenient for rescuers to use.

The 12 bar lifting air cushion has a large lifting force, short inflation time, fast operation, no noise, no shaking during operation, and can smoothly lift the heaviest load. Even on inclined surfaces, it can quickly lift, push, pull, squeeze, pry and split operations.


Technical parameter

Fangzu EnhancementUnitV1V5V7V10V12V20V33L
Lifting forceT1.34.67.510.112.320.233.3
Maximum lifting heightcm7.412.115.817.819.524.519.3
Insertion heightcm2.
Working pressurebar12121212121212
12 bar gas demandL4.023.254.0120.3191.3296.3321.7

Fangzu EnhancementUnitV50V59V83V102V26
Lifting forceT50.159.482.7101.625.9
Maximum lifting heightcm37.539.346.651.627.0
Insertion heightcm2.
Working pressurebar1212121212
12 bar gas demandL798.31103.716462301.3279

Application instance
