Professional level venue - rope rescue practical simulation training facility
Product model:SSJYSZMN-2
Product characteristics

By training and enhancing rescue personnel's mastery of rope operation technology, we can comprehensively solve suspended operations such as high-altitude and underground operations, making rescue operations safer and more efficient for trapped individuals.

Product details

Product features:

This design scheme simulates "15+1" rescue practical projects, including 15 projects such as urban rescue, water rescue, narrow space rescue, mountain rescue, etc. "1" is a helicopter rescue project.

The mountain scenic area has high mountains and deep valleys, with steep terrain and a plethora of tourists. Behind it, rescue workers face enormous pressure that can come at any time. The demand for mountain rescue skills from the fire brigade is also increasing, and the improvement of mountain rescue level largely depends on the training situation. This design scheme simulates 16 practical mountain rescue projects, enhancing soldiers' mastery of rope operation technology through training Comprehensively solve the problems of suspended operations such as high-altitude and underground operations, with the goal of safer and more efficient rescue of trapped personnel, and quickly complete rescue tasks in various complex environments

Simulated practical training subjects

1、Wind power vertical ladder rescue          

2、爬大绳 训练
3、Firefighters emergency self rescue 4、Teeth Cliff Rescue  
5、Slope rescue6、Vertical suspended wall rescue
7、Climbing training8、Tower crane rescue
9、Vertical shaft rescue10、Chimney rescue
11、Obstacle breaking training12、Trust Backfall Platform
13、Rope ladder rescue14、Cross training
15、Vertical conveying16、Air rescue
