Product features:
The turbine hydraulic injection box combines the jet engine technology and spray injection technology, making it the most powerful spray gun in the world. This technology has been successfully applied in the chemical and petrochemical industries, mainly for cooling and protecting factories, washing water-soluble gases, firefighting, and compressed ventilation.
Product features:
The turbine hydraulic injection box combines the jet engine technology and spray injection technology, making it the most powerful spray gun in the world. This technology has been successfully applied in the chemical and petrochemical industries, mainly for cooling and protecting factories, washing water-soluble gases, firefighting, and compressed ventilation.
Product parameters:
The turbine hydraulic injection box is equipped with a civil turbofan engine and two commercial spray injectors.
A compact container structure with enclosed units (length x width x height=1500 x 2550 x 2300mm).
All energy systems are integrated into a box and operate as independent units.
The turbine hydraulic jet box operates at a height of 4 to 5 meters above the roof.
The turbine hydraulic jet box produces water mist with a flow rate of 600 to 4000L/min, and the droplet size is approximately 400 μ m. Provide a water mist range of 10m to 120m and a height of 80m. The average minimum precipitation rate generated by the jet generator is 4-6 L/(m) ² X min).
The system has been tested and tested for 20 years and can solve existing hazard prevention problems.
Compared with traditional fire extinguishing systems, the turbine hydraulic injection process requires 2/3 less water for the same effect, resulting in a 2/3 reduction in wastewater generated within the maximum effect and range.